Now Available: Voice and SMS Recharges for Mobile Users Without Data Charges!,Recharge Price Decline
In a significant move aimed at enhancing consumer convenience, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has directed telecom companies to introduce recharge plans exclusively for voice calls and SMS, without requiring customers to purchase internet data. This directive, part of the Telecom Consumer Protection (12th Amendment) Regulation 2024, was officially announced by TRAI on Monday.
The new regulation addresses a growing concern among mobile users who previously had to opt for bundled recharge plans that included internet data, even if they were primarily interested in making voice calls or sending SMS. With this amendment, users will now have the flexibility to choose recharge plans that cater exclusively to their calling and messaging needs, providing greater value for those who do not require mobile data.
TRAI's decision comes as part of its ongoing efforts to protect consumer interests and promote a more transparent and user-friendly telecom ecosystem. The regulation ensures that users are not compelled to purchase data when their primary requirement is voice services or text messaging. Telecom providers are now required to offer distinct recharge options that focus solely on these services, making it easier for consumers to select plans that suit their needs without unnecessary add-ons.
This move is expected to benefit a large segment of the population, especially those in rural areas or among senior citizens, who may not use mobile data extensively but rely heavily on voice calls and SMS for communication.
The amendment is expected to encourage telecom companies to innovate and offer competitive, customer-centric plans, fostering a more flexible and inclusive mobile ecosystem across India.